Friday, January 29, 2010

PIES ADMT Lesson (29 Feb)





Waiting for a bus at a bus stop

Needs Physical needs like benches for the comfort of the people waiting for the bus

Needs Intellectual needs like signboards telling when the buses are arriving and maybe some newspaper for the people so they can pass their time by updating themselves more about what is happening around the world

Needs emotional needs like punctual arrival of buses so that when the bus do not come after a while they will not go mad.

Needs social needs like internet server connection so they can Tweet and Facebook while they are passing their time waiting at the bus stop.

Waiting for a train at a railway station

Have snack stores so people can snack while waiting for the train

Have newspaper or magazines to pass the time

If the train comes fast so they will be happy so the train service should be faster

Needs social needs like internet server connection so they can Tweet and Facebook while they are passing their time waiting at the train station.

Waiting for a plane at a airport

Needs Physical needs like benches for the comfort of the people waiting for the plane and have snack stores so people can snack while waiting for the plane

Needs Intellectual needs like signboards telling when the planes are arriving and departing and maybe some newspaper for the people so they can pass their time by updating themselves more about what is happening around the world while waiting for the plane

Needs emotional needs like punctual arrival and departure of planes so that when the plane do not come after a while they will not go mad.

Needs social needs like internet server connection so they can Tweet and Facebook while they are passing their time waiting at the airport.

ADMT Grouo work(lesson on PIES) 29 Jan






Purpose of P.I.E.S : To find out/ identify people’s needs

Physical needs-Food


Protection from weather patterns


Exercise and rest

Intellectual needs-helps us to learn

Emotional needs-Feelings


Social needs-Interaction


Needs for stroller: Social, Physical, Emotional and Intellectual needs.

Reason: Parents need to bring the child out for interaction.

Parents can transport the baby easier using a stroller.

If the stroller have toys in it the baby can use the toys to play with and learn.

The baby will feel happier when the stroller is comfortable.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Different types of drawing

There are 7 types of drawing : caricature, cartoon, figure, perspective and portrait drawing and sketching.
A caricature is an exaggeration of the real for the purpose of expanding or enhancing the visual effect. A cartoon is a drawing of an object which is fictional. Figure drawing is a drawing of a human body in various shapes and positions. Perspective in the graphic arts, such as drawing, is an approximate representation, on a flat surface (such as paper), of an image as it is perceived by the eye. A potrait drawing is a drawing of the top part of a human body. Sketching is a free-hand drawing of an object without using tools.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ADMT - Environment.Group Reflection

To our group, Art is the process of purposely arranging elements in a way that appeals in the senses or emotions. Design refers to how the product is designed and the process in which the product is designed is like art. Media refers to advertising the product so more people will know more about it and more people will buy the product.Technology is used in media to make technology easy.
Environment is the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
Bryan,Guang Jun, Mayur and Joshua